Master and Remote Outstations

Kingfisher Master Outstations are used as ‘Parent’ outstations for Kingfisher Remote Outstations.

Remote outstations communicate with the Geo SCADA Expert server via a Master outstation. Each Master outstation polls its Remote outstations and retrieves their data. The Master outstation then passes the polled data onto the server.

As each Master outstation can poll a large number of Remote outstations, this can reduce the communications traffic with the Geo SCADA Expert server quite considerably. Up to 248 Remote outstations can communicate with one Master outstation, although typically much smaller numbers of Remote outstations are used on systems that use a Master and Remote outstation setup.

If communications with the Geo SCADA Expert server is temporarily lost, a Master outstation can continue to poll its Remote outstations.

Direct Master Outstations communicate with the Geo SCADA Expert server using a permanent connection, in a similar way to Direct Outstations.

Shared Master Outstations communicate with the Geo SCADA Expert server using either of two channels, in a similar way to Shared Outstations.

PSTN Master Outstations use a dial-up modem to communicate with the Geo SCADA Expert server.

Depending on the system setup, any of the above types of Master outstation can use either a multidrop permanent connection or PSTN to communicate with their Remote outstations.

For further information, see Typical Master/Remote Scenarios.


Geo SCADA Expert 2022